
Friday, February 13, 2015

Luxury worries

There are plenty of things I worry about.

I worry about falling in love or not.  I worry about how I will support my non-existent wife and children.  I worry about pensions and my tax return.  I worry about whether people like me.  I worry about when I will get to read that book I want, or see that film I want.  I worry I eat too much cheese, or sugar or drink too much alcohol.  I worry about my broadband bill.

I worry about a lot of things which are essentially luxuries to worry about.  I don't have to worry that my Father is going to marry me off, 'Game of Thrones' style to someone to secure a political alliance.  I don't have to worry about how I am going to shelter, clothe, feed, educate and keep healthy my children.  I don't have to worry about how I am going to afford to pay protection money or how I am going to survive on the pittance my pimp/handler would give me.

If I have a point, it is that I notice this and I wish I could do more about helping those who do have those worries everyday.
