
Monday, October 03, 2005

It's been a looooong time since I've posted here and I'm guessing that most people will have stopped checking by now.

But I'm back in London now with regular access to a computer (plus a shiny new laptop at home). So I thought I'd crack the hardened shell of internet silence on the pasty like the proverbial chocolate on a magnum ice-cream and lick the ice cream inside my pysche once more.

To put it bluntly, I've been having yet another odd summer. They seem to be not the same long-days, endless sunny skies that they used to be. They are this marvelous interlude of melodrama which regular readers will no doubt remember that I occassionally champion.

To summarise: Shortly after I discovered I was Raphaelalam it was my birthday. This was a weekend where I was on cloud 9 for some time. It was awesome and makes me remember why I love my mates so damn much.

Then came a period of trying to find a summer job. Which was hard because I knew I should probably get one in London. But this upset me as London towards the end of my third year of university had become a place of stress. So eventually after much angst I got a job back home and for two months I was pretty happy. Heck, I still had to get up every morning but the people I worked with were so nice.

Then there was all the drama with the Ladies (never thinking myself a Ladies man, always the upright, proper gentleman instead). But I'm not sure I shall discuss that right away. I know, I know I bear my soul here but not right now.

Now I'm back in London, doing my Master's degree. It's going to kick ass and you can keep up with it all...if you're there, because I'm not writing EVERYTHING up here!

Stay cool and update you're blogs!
