
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

LCD Soundsystem-'All my friends'

As the end of the year approaches I reflect on what the past 12 months have been like. My first reaction is one of exhaustion as I seem to have spent the whole time fighting for a good job and a way to earn enough to continue living in London. Even now, when I have an interview for a contract until march with the company I currently temp for I fail. Ram seems to have been destined for hardship in 2007.

But on the other hand I have diversified my experiences tremendously this year and feel in many ways even MORE liberal than I was before. I have worked in the National Maritime Museum which was superb. I have fought quite hard for what I believe in. I seem to have upheld my values and fought for a better world.

I found the strength I thought I had lost.

I have forged stronger bonds with friends and had a renaissance of friendships I thought lost. Facebook is partly to blame.

I am in a relationship every bit as wonderful as the one I wanted with all those other girls who broke my heart.

I have seen those I care about get married and engaged. Their's is a start of a journey that will take them very far. This year we plant the seeds for a golden future I think.

I fell very low. Thinking back to myself unshaven, unwashed hunched befoer the laptop trying so F*CKING hard to find a job I can only see that as a hardship I had to go through to come out the otherside as a wiser person.

Everyday I am trying to learn more about myself.

These are just random musings about what has happened this year.
