
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I have met two imposters, named Triumph and Disaster. As I watched 'Coraline' above I came to think on my lot in life.

Disaster told me that I no longer work for Extraextra. In truth I think I saw this coming. I let my work slip and had my three strikes. I am not too sad because it is my own damn fault. I will remove the link on the sidebar at some point.

Triumph tells me my best friend began work as a Policeman in the Met. On monday he saw his first dead body.

All good things must begin and come to an end, it is as natural to die as to be born. The end of one thing is the beginning of another.

I learn from my failure. The next time I take a reviewing job I will always allow adequate time to the aftermath, not just the event, I have gained invalauble experience on the subject and losing something I enjoyed has spurred me into a new search for genuine fulfillment and contentment. Disaster, like a minute fall on my path in life has woken me up.

Disaster is an imposter because it makes us feel so down and sad when the truth is that it is the inevitable result of everything. Everything changes and is constantly changing. It lies that this is THE END, that you will never be happy again, or having anything worth as much.

Triumph is an imposter because it implies that this is 'how things are going to be from now on', as if overcoming that hurdle makes everything better. Who has not felt that the sun shines brighter and 'everything will be alright' when Triumph arrives. But in truth it is not, everything is always changing.

Treat those two imposters just the same, as if they had buttons for eyes.