
Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Jen sent me this song on facebook so I thought I would share it here.

#Fragile...he is a knight in shining armour...whenever there is a disaster...look to fragile for he is the friendly giant....fragile...he is the friendliest and caring guy you will ever know...fragile...he would dress up and pretend to be a best vegetarian sword fighter....fragile....(i could go on and on...but thats my new song...!!)#

Jen, amongst others have remarked that I am quite huggable. S. says that hugging me is like the first sip of tea, it just makes things that bit better, it just sets you right. I don't know if I have a special way of hugging, or what x-factor makes me huggable but whatever it is I am glad because I like hugging and it it good for you to hug.

So hug someone today if you are able :)

*HUGS* Not available in stores.