
Friday, February 08, 2013

I don't know what to say

you don't care anyway

Half the point of a blog is to speak to yourself anyway.  We raise the sheet of glass and try and see through to an image of ourselves that is different, all the while we are only talking to ourselves.  The image copies but is as insubstantial as the pixels on the screen.

Matter is energy.  Thoughts power the consciousness. Project the image into the internet and it can become more substantial.  Like any creative output it would seem there is a responsibility involved here as just about anything can blow up into a meme, scandal or fad.

When Dream describes the Corinthian in 'The Sandman':

"A dark mirror. Imagine that you woke in the night and rose, and seemed to see before you another person whom you slowly perceived to be yourself.  Someone had entered in the night and placed a mirror in your sleeping place, made from a black metal. You had been frightened only of your reflection. But then the reflection slowly raised one hand, while your own stayed still....A dark mirror....That was always the intention..."

That image, you but not you.  The You from the distant past, the mask you wore when you posted on the wall.  The writings on the wall address you now and speak in a voice that is not your own.

Be mindful of what you say, do and create both on and offline.
