
Thursday, September 20, 2007

This I obtained from Tintagel castle.

The 13 Principles of Chivalry

1) A True knight is a gentle man yet fails not in duty

2) A True knight must uphold the dignity of Man and Woman remembering that all are born free and equal in dignity and rights

3) A True knight's manner of living is an example to the young

4) A True knight shall at no time act outrageously nor do murder or be cruel in any way to man or beast

5) A True knight respects and defends the rights of all men and women to hold and practice religious beliefs other than his own

6) A True knight takes no part in wrongful quarrel but at all times supports the Lawful rights of all Men and Women

7) A True knight's word is his bond

8) A True knight must be honourable in all things and know good from evil

9) A True knight must be of modest demeanour and not seek worship unto himself

10) A True knight must seek out such Quests as lead to the protection of the oppressed and never fail in Charity, Fidelity and the Truth

11) A True knight speaks evil of no man. A slanderous tongue brings shame and disgrace to an honourable knight

12) A True knight never betrays the trust or confidence given to him by a brother knight

13) A True knight must so order his life that by his contribution the people of the world may hope to live together in greater peace and tolerance

These principles seem to bear little relation to actual historical knights. I doubt that the majority of the crusaders were interested in charity, fidelity and the truth all the time. These rules stem from somewhere else then, a popular zeitgeist that would have knights as romantic, epic figures. Chivalry over time has come to mean opening doors for Ladies and little else, when it was first created it was about honour.

Ivanhoe explains chivalry to Rebecca this way:

"Chivalry!-why, maiden, she is the nurse of pure and high affection-the stay of the oppressed, the redresser of grievances, the curb of the power of the tyrant-Nobility were but an empty name without her, and liberty finds the best protection in her lance and her sword." (Chapter XXIX)

I am a true believer in that. They say that all evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing and I think that includes within themselves. Sometimes it is hard to uphold virtues like caring for the planet but uphold them we must lest it fall. We must also fight to uphold our liberties, before they take them all away from us.

It is true the rules have changed and the lines are not where they once were. I have found friendlier people in the most unlikely places were I thought I would find evil and debauchery. Chivalry and honour are also about being polite and gentlemanly, at least until you can make an informed judgement, then it is about standing up for the oppressed and charity, fidelity and the truth.

"Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth"
Charles Kingsley