
Tuesday, March 10, 2009


When making jokes at the expense of others, we walk a fine line between playful joshing and upsetting mocking. I crossed that boundary on sunday without realising. I realised yesterday when from two different angles I understood that I had upset some close friends for entirely seperate reasons.

It wasn't that the joke was politically incorrect or offensive, it was just hurtful when seen in a certain context. I think perhaps because I profess to hold myself to a set of morals and ethics, when I break that integrity, even slightly the force is greater. In the same way that I have commented before about how, should I feel I need to push back to prevent people bullying me or something I do not have to push back hard, the impact is greater because I normally simply turn the other cheek without a thought. So it was that when I let that guard down, bipassed that mental checkpoint I found I had hurt those I care about by simply my words.

Of course, as soon as I learned of this I threw myself into a torrent of inner-directed rage, thrashing my brain with the lash of guilt and flaggelating myself with self-loathing. But this time I realised that no declaration of a return to 'right speech' or angst-filled vows of silence would do this time. I had made such attention-seeking outbursts before and not yet being skilled enough I had broken them.

Therefore I feel that the only thing I can say is that this was a reminder of why right speech is so important. I must be skillful with my words and not harmful, I must consider before I speak. Popularity through humour can be such a double-edged sword in the current comedy climate. Therefore, with this lesson learned I shall travel on with mindfulness and skill.

P.S I am sorry for upsetting you both and any others I do not yet know of.