
Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Welcome one and all to my on and off blog. I have no idea how frequently I'll get to write here but at least maybe some of you will read it. It's a kind of public display of my thoughts, hopes and dreams for my mates all over the world. Who knows, maybe you'll get to know the real, real me. We're all pretty open people, so you probably know me pretty well already, but here will be my life preserved for posterities sake.

From now on, if anybody asks me what I've been up to I can just hand them a website address!

But where to begin? Where can I possibly start a history of a 'stuff of epics' hero adventurer in a modern day-to-day world? Let's start with the backstory. At least then, when that's all cleared up, you'll understand why the conclusions I make are the ones I make. Or something.

Exactly when I chose the life of an adventurer is something of some contention. Maybe it began when I was a child, playing in the playground or playing with action figures. My friend Robert and I would create vast worlds within our imaginations and play in them. Amazing really considering that all there was was a vast concrete desert with some painted football pitches on it. Sure, you could maybe climb over the fence and use the trees but the teachers would always yell at you and pull you back. Vast epics of space operas, fighting fantasy, daring rescues, toy management (I kid you not), edwardian power struggling families (I'm serious!), dystopian sci-fi and pet rescue (How many times, these were all real). The number of roles I played was vast, no plotline ever truely ended, we just got bored and moved on. Empires, kingdoms, the universe or profit were held in our grasp. In our own way. We were Kings.
On the playground and in the house the greatest stories are being told.

I shall tell you how this came to me. Last year, while I was staying round my friend Lauren's house I was blessed with this revelation. I sat meditating in her garage in my sleeping bag (I'd stayed the night in her converted garage with Jebbo) and when it came time to open my eyes the first thing they fell upon was a dolls house. I thought nothing of it at first, but as I looked more I saw it as a library of story, a wealth of knowledge of the life my friend had had before I had even met her. It's so easy to think of people as 2D, as if they've only existed since you've known them. But this dolls house was everything, think of what the walls had seen, the drama that had been played out within those walls. I wanted to know those stories, to know the person who told them. We all have these within us. Maybe we should share them. I'm not saying we should. But maybe we should.

I didn't realise this was going to become a rant. I apologise for that. Maybe this blog will become more than merely a diary but a collection of essays on life. Like that film 'waking life'. Or maybe it's just me ranting for ages. If you read all that; Well done, and thank you.
