
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

ex angel
You're like an angel. As everyone knows, angels
dwell in heaven. They were desribed as shining
ones wearing white and the idea that they have
wings is believed as well. Guardian angels are
the ones that many people think are dead loved
ones who try to protect the living friends or
family they have on Earth. They usually had
blonde hair and maybe brown with flawless
appearance and sweet dispositions. They were
cheerful, hopefull, selfless, loving, and kind.
Angels are the one mystical creature that a
majority of people truly believe in. Encounters
with angels are poping up all over the world
and reassuring people's beliefs in angels. (If
you cannot see the picture, go to my userpage
and look near the bottom. There should be the
picture and description for all the results)

What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures)
brought to you by

Gee, maybe I have finally made it to being the best Peat I could be :) Though of course I won't stop trying

For those alarmed by the last post, I'm feeling a lot better now. I spoke to Fiona last thursday and we did our usual 'talking but not saying what we really mean because we're afraid'. She said a lot of things which I shan't repeat here but have influenced my thoughts over the last weekend.

At first I thought I should give up, let it go as it wasn't meant to be. But that just seems to defeatist.

So I have made the desicion to fight for her. Because I really care for her. I may crash and burn, but if I do it will be because I tried. I fought for someone I cared about and she is worth fighting for. If I gave up now of course I would fail. 'Better to burn out than fade away' perhaps.

On another note, had a long conversation with Lex at the weekend about life, postmodern knights, the promised land and friendship. We drunkenly put the world to rights (yeah I know I'm straight edge but it was a LARP event, I had to drink!).

It seems a lot of faith has been placed in me by those who came before me (the 'founders' of this movement if you will). They did not have people to guide them as I do, they did not have the benefits of hindsight on their side and so they faultered. They lost hope and buckled to the pressures of the world and found faith in those who come after them.

Perhaps I shall faulter as well and find faith in one who comes after me. You know who you are because you remind me of a younger me (as I remind Lex of a younger him). Perhaps I shall find another when my hope fades and I no longer dream of charging over the horizon to the promised land.

But I shall not faulter. I cannot. Everything I feel about this is summed up in that Tennyson quote. There is not more I can add to it.

Or maybe I think too much.
