
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Which Magical Element Are You???

brought to you by Quizilla

Tommorrow Never Knows...

What with the recent explosion of the blogging network of my friends all finding each others blogs and all agreing that The Circus is the best (If you read it, you should comment on it to show my brother that you do read!) I have been looking back upon my rantings and mumblings and can see how much I've changed.

Neil Gaiman wrote about how our bodies are completely renewed every seven years, so we inhereit our things from a dead person. But looking back over some of my entries, it's as if someone else wrote them. In a way, someone else did.

It goes to show that human activity is really building castles in the sand, fun but you have to let go of it. Everything is in motion, I can't hang onto anything.

I think most people know by now how much they mean to me.

I should also practice more 'right action' and drink less.

There is so much I should do before I die.
