
Wednesday, October 27, 2004


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It doesn't seem right that he has gone at such an early age. I can still hear his voice in my head, crystal clear. As soon as I'd heard two things flashed through my mind:

1. 'He'd have wanted to go that way.' Only joking John, but I do recall that conversation on Room 101 he had with Paul Merton about mortality and how he didn't want to die bending down to pick up something or trying to read the sleave notes of a cassette whist driving a car. And for someone to say of it, 'he'd have wanted to go that way'. But on holiday, with his family, maybe that's a better way to go.

2. I recalled just how short and fragile life is. Songs have also been telling me this:
'You held the world in your arms' for example. How short life is and how it is important to 'carpe diem'.

So here's another meme:


Which Diablo character are you?
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