
Thursday, October 07, 2004


Illness yesterday kept me from keeping the two appointments I had to go to. I had to meet my personal tutor and go to a dissertation meeting. Neither one it seems was world shatteringly important but not an great start to the term and a poor first impression for my new Personal tutor. Oh well!

Had the first meeting of Gamesoc yesterday which went okay, despite yet again loosing the only potential female member in the first session. So many sign up at Freshers fayre and so few make it even to the first session (sigh). I had to battle my illness and the fact that I hate public speaking. But it was okay, I get to run a Vietnam-cthulhu game which should be fun. Luckily, John (who writes the blog on my links) is helping me out being a war-studies student he knows about Vietnam so it can be Anyway, going to brain-storm it tonight.

In other news, I may be starting a band with Dan (acoustic guitar), Jeremy (Jazz guitar), Abinav (drums) and me (Bass). Our influences will include 'I am Kloot' and possibly intrumental jazz/blues stuff (I was listening to the Peter Gunn theme tune last night and remebered how cool it is!). Maybe one day we'll support the 'Starrats' (Lex and Stu's band). Speaking of which, already done some footage for the video for that which should be cool. Rock 'n' roll.

As for Ladies, got some closure with Emily which is good. I think I'm ready to completely move on now which is cool. I always had the thought of hope in the back of my mind somewhere that we could be together someday, now I know that won't happen. So I can move on.

That's about all really, maybe going to visit Lex and Stu this weekend before Fools and heroes with Russ (who writes another blog (see links).

Take care of yourselves, and each other
