
Thursday, March 25, 2004

"You can't quit now, when we're so close to the end!"
Professor Henry Jones (Snr)

Just had my last lecture for my second year of university. I'd say it's flown by but everyone I know seems to be saying that these days. It has of course, gone quickly, these things have a habit of doing that but it has been eventful in its passing. I have met even more people and made even more friends since this time last year I have done so much and I wouldn't change any of it.

As Buddha said:
"All things arise and fade away". I interpret this as 'things change'. Things fading away seems too depressing really. I'd like to think things don't 'end' as such they just change. But one of the central teachings whichi is hard to follow is to see everything in the world as impermanent. Everything that is built eventually falls down, all those who are gathered together eventually part. It is the way of things. But in some cases relationships just change into something different.

Stephen (of grasshopper lies heavy fame) for example is moving to Liverpool to do his Phd. Our friendship isn't going to end, it's going to change. Of course some friendships do end, when one moves away, people slip out of contact but the ones you hold on to, they must be true friends indeed.

Take care,
